Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wat Arun

When I was in Bangkok there were another temple which I had to stop by, Wat Arun. The Temple of Dawn. Wat Arun is a buddhist temple built in the 19th century. It has a central tower, which is 79 meters tall, surrounded by 4 smaller towers, and it is built in a Khmer-style. Khmer-style is of course from Cambodia, where I am now! There are stairs on the sides of the main tower, and you will be able to climb very high up on the temple. But the stairs are insanely steep! Getting up is no problem, but I really regretted it when I had to go down. I was sure I was gonna fall and die. We were like ten tourists at the top of the stairs standing there and encouraging each other to go down, we were all equally freaked out! Haha! But the whole temple was so beautiful, it is decorated with seashells and porcelain, really detailed.

1 comment:

  1. Flotte bilder og fint at du tar nærbilder, detaljene er noe av det viktigste. Jeg husker alle de ørsmå detaljer på Taj Mahal i Agra. Trappa ser rimelig bratt ut, tror jeg hadde satt meg ned og akt på baken, trinn for trinn!
    Søndag blir det fårikål her til middag - kommer du?
    Neste uke blir jo familien min spredt over hele verden, jeg vil føle meg ganske ensom og forlatt her på Sandvollan. Får trøste meg med blogg og meldinger via fc.
    Ha det godt og ser fram til flere spennende bilder og meldinger.
