Monday, October 14, 2013

Angkor Wat

Last week we headed to Siem Reaps number 1 tourist attraction, Angkor Wat! And it was a magnificent place, it is incredible to think about how they were able to create everything, it definitely had to take a lot of work. We went there very early in the morning in hope to see the sunrise, but unfortunately it was a clouded day. But everything was still amazing, and I am sort of thankful for going there so early. Even if there were a ton of tourists there at that time, around 9 or 10 pm it became totally crowded! You had the place more to yourself if you go there very very early. And if you are lucky, you'll be able to see the sunrise also, they say it is magical!


  1. Et spennende område. En del av dette minner meg om maya-byen Palenke i Mexico. Det er som du sier helt utrolig hva de klarte å bygge. Ca når ble Angkor wat bygd.

    1. Angkor Wat ble bygget på 1100-tallet, det er ganske utrolig.
